Here’s Why Your Audi Battery Keeps Going Flat in San Rafael
The most horrible situation arising while driving the Audi on the road is running with a flat battery. When it happens, your car refuses to start or won’t start after long tries. Moreover, handling these problems in your car is very difficult.
Due to many reasons, the battery of your car flat or loses charge such as running the electrical system in the background when the car is not used such as the power doors, on-board computers, radio, leaving the headlights on, climate control settings, security alarm, clock, power locks and many more.
All these electrical systems are using the power of the battery even if the car is not in motion and drains its power over time. On the other hand, if you are not using your Audi for a longer period of time, the battery will discharge completely and flat its whole power.
When the power of the battery starts to flat, the headlights become dim and stutter the engine while turning the key in the ignition system. The following points define the causes behind the battery of your Audi is keeps going flat while driving on the road.
Failed charging
Generally, the battery of your car keeps going flat when the charging system is not working efficiently while driving on the road. Thus, the alternator in your car is providing power to several electrical systems such as the lights, radio, and even the battery.
But, when the charging system has any problem, the battery is unable to get its charge from the alternator and goes flat. When it happens, you have to diagnose and fix the problem earlier for preventing major damage to the battery.
Parasitic drain
Many times, you will notice that the battery of your car going to flat continuously even if the car is parked is called a parasitic drain. Moreover, these problems are mostly arising when the electrical accessories don’t switch off automatically in the parking position of the car such as the sensors and the interior lights.
Generally, these electrical accessories are consuming the power of the battery until you are switched it off them manually. On the other hand, other parasitic drain issues also make the battery flat like the damaged relay switch, failed electrical components, and the faulty computer module. In this case, get it checked by a mechanic right away to resolve the problem.
Taking frequent short trips
When you start the car, the battery is supplying the necessary power for starting it smoothly. Once the car is running on the road, the battery is getting its charge from the alternator to overcome the power used for starting the car and keep it running smoothly.
But, if you are taking short trips on the road frequently, then the alternator is unable to recharge the battery properly due to the lack of enough time. As a result, the frequent short trips can damage the battery and make it go flat.
Malfunctioned alternator
Thus, the alternator is playing an important role in your car for charging the battery and provides a constant flow of power to other electrical systems for smooth running. If the alternator in your Audi malfunctions, then you will notice that the battery will keep going flat and eventually fail whenever you are trying to start the car.
On the other hand, the failed alternator in your car can produce unusual noises from the engine with flickering lights. When it happens, it is always advisable to jump-start the car to get enough power for driving it to the nearest auto repair shop.
Loose cables or corroded battery terminals
All we know is that the battery of your car is attached to positive and negative cables. If the cables of the battery become loose, then it will discharge the power from the battery and cause many problems like starting problems, flickering headlights, and damage to the wire cable. In this case, it is better to tighten the cables and re-install them properly for safety concerns.
Another reason behind the battery of your car keeps going flat is the corrosion around the battery. To resolve the problem, first, you have to disconnect the battery and clean the terminals with a brush and diluted baking soda mixture.
Moreover, the battery is the most important component in your Audi which is helpful to keep it starting and running on the road smoothly. If you found that the battery of your Audi keeps going flat while driving on the streets of San Rafael, then bring it to a reputed auto repair shop for proper diagnosis and repair.